It really does take a village to raise a child! Our Child Care Resource and Referral (CCRR) program helps child care workforce, child care providers, and parents alike get the support needed to help raise healthy, happy children.
We are pleased to offer a range of services to support child care workforce and child care providers in offering the highest quality of child care:
- Professional Development and Networking Opportunities
- Inclusion into our parent referral database, given to parents looking for child care in your community.
- Access to an impressive collection of the latest books, toys, games and resources in our Early Learning Resource Library.
- An informative and fun newsletter that includes our program updates, child care news, resource highlights from our early learning resource library, articles of interest, family resources, and community events.
- Consultation on child care related issues and information about local community resources.
CCRR Services for Child Care Workforce & Providers
There are many perks to using the services of the CCRR. Enhanced child care referrals, complimentary use of our Early Learning Resource Library, personal consultation with a designated ECE qualified Consultant, and much more.
Our services are free to use and are available to child care workforce and child care providers operating in the Burnaby, New Westminster, Tri-Cities, Anmore, and Belcarra communities.
What else does the YMCA CCRR offer? Have a peek at our Program Guide to CCRR Services for details.
Interested in sharing information with us about your child care program? Or would you like to update the information we have on hand for your child care in our referral database? Fill out the form below!
YMCA CCRR Program Information Form
License-Not-Required Child Care
In BC, there are two basic categories of legal child care: Licensed and License-Not-Required child care. Whether or not a program needs a license or not depends primarily on how many children are in ones care. By law, if a child care provider cares for more than two children, (or one sibling group), who are not related to them, they must be licensed.
Licensed child care facilities obtain their license through their local Health Authority. Licensed facilities are required to comply with Provincial Child Care Regulations regarding training requirements, ages of children, staff/child ratio and much more. Common types of licensed child care include group care or family child care. To find out more about licensed child care please contact Fraser Health at 604-949-7700 (Tri-Cities) or 604-918-7683 (Burnaby/New Westminster) and ask to speak to a licensing officer.
License-Not-Required (LNR) child care is provided in the provider’s own home. LNR providers are encouraged to connect with their local Child Care Resource and Referral Program (CCRR) to get access to consultation and support.
The Ministry of Education and Child Care offers several programs to assist child care work force and child care providers in ensuring quality care. Check out their website for more information.

Seasonal Resource Sheet
Provocations and explorations to try when spending time with the children in your care.

Support Visits
The YMCA Child Care Resource and Referral offers supportive site visits to improve accessibility to our services.

EYPD Job Postings
Are you a child care provider with a job opening you'd like to advertise? If so, we can help!

The YMCA CCRR acknowledges the support of the City of Burnaby.